Safety and Quality
Product Liability
①Product Safety
To ensure that our customers handle chemical products safely, we comply with the regulations of each country based on the UN-recommended GHS* guidelines and publish SDS (safety data sheets) for all chemical products on our website. The SDS clearly describes hazard and toxicity information, first aid measures, measures to be taken in case of fire or leakage, handling and storage precautions, physical and chemical properties, information on environmental impacts, toxicological information, disposal and transport precautions, and applicable laws and regulations. We have also established an internal database so that our employees can access this information and use it for safety and legal compliance, and we regularly conduct surveys on the environmental management status and regulated substances for our business partners and strive to provide information promptly
②Safety in Logistics
In case of accidents during transportation, we issue the emergency contact card, "Yellow Card”, containing the contents of safe measures to be taken by the carrier, police, fire fighters, and other people concerned in dealing with the accidents. We also annually provide contract carriers with training for unexpected accidents including things to be carried with them in transportation. These cards contain information such as names of the substances transported, their properties, first aid measures, and emergency contact.
Under the long-term vision "Challenge 1000, " SHIKOKU KASEI Group will aim to achieve a state in which each and every one of us continues to provide products, services, and values that are one step ahead.
To achieve these goals, we have established the SHIKOKU KASEI Quality Policy and will implement PDCA cycle activities based on this policy across the group. SHIKOKU KASEI Quality refers to the quality of all activities related to products, services, and values provided by SHIKOKU KASEI Group to our customers.
In addition to the quality of products, we will strive to continuously improve SHIKOKU KASEI Quality through efforts, for example, to improve the quality of services, take into consideration environment and safety, and increase the level of satisfaction at related departments within the company.
Progress on Activities related to ISO 9001
The quality assurance system for our company is based on ISO 9001. Marugame Plant, Tokushima Plant (Kitajima location,Yoshinari location), Tadotsu Plant (SHIKOKU KEIZAI CORPORATION), Takase Plant (NIHON KOHKI CORPORATION), and Shikoku Analytical Laboratories have obtained ISO 9001 certification and have received maintenance and updates by qualified certification organizations. No serious quality problems occurred during this fiscal year.