Disclosure Policy
Disclosure Policy
1. Basic policy
In the “Charter of Corporate Behavior,” our group defines the basic policy for timely disclosure of company information as “We communicates with all members of society as well as shareholders and discloses company information in an appropriate and fair manner for maximum transparency in company activities.”
We believe that the foundation of information disclosure is constructive dialogue with stakeholders through proper information disclosure to various stakeholders surrounding our group, including shareholders, investors, business partners, and communities. -
2. Information disclosure standard
Our group conducts information disclosure in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and other laws and regulations, as well as in accordance with the regulations for timely disclosure defined by the securities listing regulations of stock markets.
In addition, we will proactively disclose information that does not apply to the aforementioned laws and regulations but that would have an important influence on the decisions of investors when we judge that the information significantly affects stakeholders. -
3. Information disclosure method
Our group conducts information disclosure according to the applicable laws and regulations as well as in accordance with the regulations for timely disclosure.
In addition, information that is the subject of regulations for timely disclosure shall be posted on TDnet, which is operated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, our website, and so on, following the regulations.
Other information that would have a significant impact on stakeholders shall be disclosed as required using proper methods, such as announcement through seminars for institutional and individual investors, our website, and so on. -
4. Quiet period
To prevent leakage of financial results and assure fair information disclosure, we have designated a period from the day following the last day of the financial period (including quarter financial periods) until the day of the financial results announcement as a quiet period.
Even during the quiet period, we will conduct timely disclosure of information whose disclosure is required as per the applicable laws and regulations, including the regulations for timely disclosure. -
5. Forward-looking statement
The information disclosed by our group includes forward-looking statements, such as a performance outlook, plans, and goals. Such information may be significantly different from actual results because of various risks and uncertainties such as economic status, market trends, and changes in various regulations.
When considering the corporate value of our group, please pay attention to the point above.
Index of IR Information
- Management Information
- Financial Highlights
- IR Library
- Stock and Rating Information
- IR Calender
- IR News
- Glossary
- IR Sitemap
- History